
액션 생산성 비즈니스 생산성
개발자: VVI
1.99 USD

Vvidget: "You give it data and it gives you a graph." Other things are straightforward, unobtrusive and automatic. Vvidget is the same as the Graph application (available for free on the Mac App Store), but without the ads.


• Includes several 1D, 2D and 3D graph types such as bar, column, pie, line, area, scatter, 3D perspective scatter, trajectory and surface, volumetric, z-sliced cell, maps, linear, semi-log, x-log, log-log, polar, r-log, Gregorian date and many variations.
• Data is pasted from the pasteboard, fetched from web servers or the file system and inserted and edited using a table interface.
• Click-drag graphs to rotate and scan data.
• Click and hover over data to edit and show their values.
• Includes an integrated manual.
• Explore data sets directly from the graph or in numeric format from the table.
• Projects are navigated using a simple tool sheet.
• Thousands of graphic, graph and data attributes, including artwork, maps, autoscaling and many effects can be set by applying a skin made with Graph Builder (a separate application).
• Data and preferences are organized by project and each project is persistent and automatically saved so you can show and retrieve your settings and data on subsequent use.